Friday 29 April 2011

High-Top Apple and Sultana Pie

Everyone loves this version of the classic apple pie!
So yummy!

My only tips are, pile up the apple (it will condense a little while cooking) and cook it until it is nice and golden (a little longer than she says, as usual!).

The first time i made it, I made it with half red apples and half green (out of necessity). Everyone who tried it (even seasoned pie makers) said it was the yummiest apple pie they had ever eaten. I think it must have been the extra sweetness from the red apples.

Issue 38, Page 120.

1 comment:

  1. My mouth is literally drooling. I'm about to go to Wagamamas for lunch and all I can think of is your apple pie!! I wonder.... Apple pie noodles?
